
What are the top 5 Japanese crypto exchanges by spot trading volume?

The study examined the top 5 Japanese crypto exchanges by spot trading volume, using CoinGecko data from October 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023. The top 5 Japanese crypto exchanges are: Bitflyer, Coincheck, Bitbank, BTCBOX, GMO Japan. Market share was based on total monthly spot trading volume.

Which online cryptocurrency exchanges operate in Japan?

We found 7 trusted online cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Japan including bitFlyer, Coincheck, and Binance. We may receive compensation when you click certain products. Before getting started, an important disclosure

Are Japanese crypto exchanges easing restrictions on listing new tokens?

The Japanese industry body that makes rules for crypto exchanges is considering easing restrictions on listing new tokens, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday. Under the proposed new rules, crypto exchanges will be able to list more than a dozen tokens at once, Bloomberg said, citing people familiar with the matter.

How does Japan regulate cryptocurrency trading?

Japan has instituted a robust legislative framework governing cryptocurrency exchanges and the trade of digital assets, underscored by the Payment Services Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In accordance with these laws, cryptocurrency trading platforms are mandated to register with the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA).


